Free Presentations
& Real-world Anecdotes
CARE Los Angeles offers educators and community organizers turnkey financial literacy presentations that are completely free of charge. Our 100% volunteer-driven chapter is comprised of legal and financial professionals. We share real-world examples of credit abuse and financial hardship, adding a much needed practical side to financial literacy education.

What’s in a CARE
Los Angeles Presentation?
CARE presentations are informative, useful, and presented in everyday terms that students readily absorb. We aim to be direct, interactive, multimedia, concrete, and relevant. To achieve this goal, we normally have two or three speakers at each program.

Typical CARE Los Angeles Presentations
For a program that runs forty to fifty minutes, a typical presentation will usually cover one (or sometimes two) of the following topics:
Credit Cards
This program discusses the proper use of credit cards, the differences between credit cards and debit cards, advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards, key features of credit cards, including rates, “buzz word” terminology, fees and affinity cards and the importance of always paying your monthly credit card bill in full.
Credit Scores and Identity Theft
We have partnered with TransUnion to provide information about credit scores, how they are calculated, what affects your credit score, and the dangers of and strategies to prevent identity theft. This program is usually combined with the credit card presentation.
Student Loans
This program discusses key metrics about student loans, the differences between student loans and true financial aid, the differences among the various types of federal and private student loans and, critically, important rules of thumb for determining the amount of student loans that the students can afford.
This program focuses on why you don’t want to go into bankruptcy. We provide background on the different type of bankruptcies, bankruptcy disclosure obligations and the ramifications of filing bankruptcy.
Ready to invite CARE Los Angeles to your
high school or community organization?
With all of our programs we attempt to keep the students engaged by telling personal war stories and using interactive PowerPoints, videos (from SNL, the Daily Show, DEE-1 the rapper and College Humor), skits and Kahoot games. We allow time for and welcome student questions.
Customize Your CARE Los Angeles Presentation Experience
- We offer presentations ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours long.
- We bring teams for organizations that ask us to give presentations to two or more classes running simultaneously.
- We can come several times to your school to cover different topics on different days.
- We can craft the presentations to fit the interests or specialized needs of you and your students.
- Our programs can be made during individual classroom periods or to larger groups, including assemblies.
- We share all presentation materials and videos before the date of the presentation so they can be downloaded in your classroom in advance.